Technical FAQ of Surveillance System from Security Experts

Technical FAQ of Surveillance System from Security Experts

No matter if customers are working on an on-site project or liaising with end-users, there are bound to be some questions. One of TSE's helpful online resources includes the Frequently Asked Questions page and Technical FAQ page. 

TSE’s Technical FAQ is a part of General FAQ, containing a list of anonymous frequently asked questions from customers, ranging from questions about product configuration to software management. All of the FAQs are answered by TSE’s experts and cross-checked by the sales team to ensure correct information. Asking questions is a vital part of learning and creating quality work!

Question 1: How do I connect the recorder to the internet?

Step 1: Right-click go the main menu

Step 2: Select Network

Step 3: Select TCP/IP

Step 4: On the right-hand side you will see either edit or modify with a pencil icon, select that icon

Step 5: A window will open in that window to the middle right-hand side select DHCP and then click okay and apply and reboot the system and that should come online after rebooting.

  1. In the main menu select Network
  1. Select the TCP/IP menu on the top left
  1. Select the edit pencil that appears on the right-hand side under the word modify or edit
  1. A window will pop open in that window to the right-hand side enable DHCP, after that click okay and the window will close
  1. Click okay/apply at the bottom right of the screen that will apply the changes
  1. On the left-hand side select P2P and enable the function at the top and click apply/save on the bottom right. Once that has done do a reboot of the system and the Status should be online and the recorder should be connected to the internet.

Question 2: How do I connect my recorder to the phone app?

Step 1: Download the app DMSS on either Android or IOS store.

Step 2: Once download it launch the app and follow the onscreen setup

Step 3: After that follow, the steps below

1. Tap the + sign on the app and select SN/Scan.

2. The app may prompt a message for granting access to the camera to scan the QR.

3. QR scanning is an option, or the serial number can be done manually.

4. Input the serial number and tap Next.

5. Choose the correct device for the product so if you have an intercom, you will select VTO if you have an IP recorder you select NVR if you have an analogue system, you will select DVR/XVR

6. Input the information and tap Save.

7. Confirm the time zone and DST if necessary.

8. After the device is added successfully, the live view will be displayed.

Question 3: How do I set up tripwire on my recorder?

  1. From the Main Menu select AI
  1. Select Parameters on the left. Then, select Smart Plan.
  1. Use the drop-down box to select the Channel. The icon will highlight when selected. Click Apply
  1. Click Parameters > IVS
  1. Use the drop-down box to select the Channel. Then click Add in the lower right side of the screen to Add an IVS rule.
  1. The created rule will appear in the list
  1. Click the Pencil icon to draw the Tripwire rule
  1. The Channel will Fullscreen. Left-click anywhere inside the video frame to begin drawing the Tripline, then use the mouse to draw the trip line. Right-click to end drawing.

      9. The Tripwire menu will appear

  • Name: A name can be applied to the rule
  • Direction: Both, A To B, B To A
Click  icon to set the Target Filter (maximum and minimum size for Objects to follow the rule)
Click  icon to clear the current rule
Once the tripwire rule settings have been created click OK

       10. Click the  icon to set the Trigger settings when the IVS Tripwire rule is engaged.

  1. Select the appropriate setting then click okay and then apply.

Question 4: How do I setup tour on my ptz camera?

1. Log in to your IP PTZ camera via Internet Explorer.

2. Click Setting. Then under PTZ, click Function.

3. Click Pre-set. Confirm pre-sets have been created and appear in the list. Creating a tour requires starting by creating pre-sets for the camera.

4. Click Tour

5. Click Add to create a new Tour

6. Click Add to begin adding steps to the tour. Add as many steps as required

7. Click inside the field under the Pre-set column to edit

Use the drop-down box to select the Pre-set

The same adjustments can be made for Duration and Speed for each step to configure the tour as desired

8. Click Save

9. To test the created Tour

Click Live

10. Use the dropdown box under PTZ Function to select Tour

11. Enter the Tour #

Click Start to begin the Tour

12. The Tour will begin and display the current status/pre-set position

Question 5: How do I set up motion detection on the recorder?

  1. In the Main menu select Alarm
  1. Select video detection on the left-hand side. Then motion detects on the top, after that select, the desired channel you want motion detection on, then click to enable it and click save/apply at the bottom of the screen.

Question 6: How do I wire up a door strike to an intercom?

Wiring into NO or NC will depend on the door strike you have.

Question 7: What are some useful tools I can use for my Dahua products?

Dahua toolbox application has basically all the tools you will ever need for a Dahua product from intercoms to cameras to even a video player. The commonly used tools are SmartPSS, Configtool and VDPconfig, SmartPSS is used to monitor your Dahua products or even live view them on a computer where Configtool is used to initialize your Dahua cameras and VDPconfig is used for initializing your Dahua intercoms. If you have set your computer/laptop to be on the same network range of the products you can even log onto them via the web browser.

Here is a link to download the Dahua toolbox.

Question 8: How do I correctly wire up my Bosch alarm system?

We have a simple wiring diagram that you can use to help you wire up a Bosch 2000/3000


Question 9: How do I change my ringtone sound on the Dahua intercom monitor?

Step 1: go settings the password will be 123456

Step 2: Go to ring and VTO ring setup in here there are only 2 pre-sets for ringtones, and you can also adjust the volume of the ring.

Question 10: My account is locked?

When you get the error, my account is locked showing up either on the recorder or camera the simplest way to remove it will be to just reboot the recorder or camera so just unplug the camera from the back or turn the recorder on and off.

Question 11: My recorder says config error 18 what do I do?

Config error 18 occurs when a camera and recorder have different build dates and the recorder itself cannot initialize it since most likely it is an older model but worry not it is an easy fix with the config tool. All you need is to plug the camera into a switch and then connect your laptop to that switch, make sure the switch is PoE if it is not then you will need to power up the camera with a 12v power supply.

  1. Select the camera and then click initialize
  1. Make sure the camera is selected and click Initialize
  1. Enter in a password for the camera, best is to use the same password as the recorder, fill in a recovery email or just untick it and leave it blank and click next.
  1. Once it’s finished you click finish and the camera should be initialized and you should be able to plug it back into the recorder and have it working.

Question 12: How do I connect my recorder to SmartPSS?

  1. After setting up and logging onto SmartPSS select devices on the main screen
  1. Click the Plus button with the word add.
  1. Once you fill in the screen with your recorder details click add.
  1. Once added your device will show up on the list and have its information and status shown.

Question 13: How do I enable two-way audio on my active deterrence camera?

1. Log into IPC via web service.

2. From the Setup Tab Select Camera -> Select Audio.

3. Check off enable -> select encode mode -> select sampling frequency. Repeat process for sub-stream if being used.

4. Choose audio in type (LineIn or Mic depending it has a built-in microphone) -> enable or disable noise filter -> You can adjust the speaker volume and mic level âžž Be sure to click on save-to-save changes made.

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